
Building Business Resilience With Cloud And Mobile Technology

We’re all talking about business resilience these days.

It’s no surprise after the last few years and the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic.

All businesses are having to be more flexible and adaptable in the way they work.

Whether it’s changing to full-time remote working, shifting to a hybrid model, or getting everyone back in the office full-time, businesses across all industries have reworked how they work – and many have used technology to do it.

And these aren’t necessarily technologies they would have otherwise used.

In fact, according to one Comcast Business survey, nearly a third of companies say they adopted new technology because of Covid that they never would have considered before.

Two of the technologies that have become almost essential when it comes to business resilience are Cloud and mobile.

Businesses that have capitalized on these technologies quickly have been able to reap the rewards while those that have been slower at the beginning, are now just starting to catch up.

In this article, we look at how and why Cloud and mobile technology are helping businesses build resilience as standard to prepare them for the future.

Getting Work Done From Anywhere

While remote working became a necessity during Covid-19, 16% are due to remain fully remote in the future.

From the biggest, multinational corporations to the newest startups, having employees who can work anywhere and anytime is now a key part of success.

Cloud and business mobile phones can take care of both of these.

By moving operations into the Cloud, you create an environment where any employee can access all their key files and information from anywhere using a single login.

This greatly improves their ability to work collaboratively and ensures they can continue to work closely with each other, and clients no matter where they are.

And backed by mobile technology (particularly 5G) it means your employees will have a strong, reliable connection whether they’re using business broadband or a mobile network.

Make Sure You Have The Tools You Need To Get The Job Done

When we talked about tools for business in the past it was always in the context of hardware.

Business mobile phones or laptops so employees could carry their work with them.

Today, those tools have become more focussed on the software and the business applications that employees have access to so they can do their jobs more effectively.

For the most part, these applications have systems that have already migrated (or started to migrate) towards the Cloud.

Having all your essential systems on the Cloud means all employees have access to the same system wherever they are, removing the risks of siloes.

By having your tools and applications on the Cloud, collaboration and communication are built-in, as will the resilience be built in too because regardless of what happens, employees can continue collaborating and working.

Building For Scalability And Adaptability

One of the biggest attributes of being resilient in business is the ability to react quickly to changes in the business environment or market in which you’re operating.

Whether it’s scaling resources up to adjust to sudden increases in demand, dropping resources and scaling back during lean times, or being able to quickly change how you work to deal with challenges.

Again, this is where cloud and mobile come into action.

With mobile technology acting as a backup to your business broadband, you’ll have a business that’s ‘always on’ and capable of adapting to wherever you choose for employees to work.

With the cloud, because it’s digital space rather than traditional hardware, it’s much easier to scale capacity up or down based on what you need, without worrying about any excess costs.

Create A More Resilient Business With The Right Technology From Communications Plus

At Communications Plus we’re a leading supplier of Cloud and mobile-based business technology that can keep you prepared for any eventualities.

Working with our team of experts we can help you design and build the right combination of technology to improve your business’ collaboration and productivity, while also ensuring you have the kind of resilience built in that you need to take on any challenges you may find in the future.

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