Social Media – Techdee Technology News Thu, 07 Sep 2023 07:01:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media – Techdee 32 32 How to Get More Spotify Plays Sun, 30 Apr 2023 20:43:18 +0000 In the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry, streaming platforms have become an indispensable medium for artists from all around the world to share their music with a global audience. Among these platforms, Spotify stands as a titan, providing artists with an opportunity to connect directly with fans and showcase their talent.  However, with millions […]

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In the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry, streaming platforms have become an indispensable medium for artists from all around the world to share their music with a global audience. Among these platforms, Spotify stands as a titan, providing artists with an opportunity to connect directly with fans and showcase their talent. 

However, with millions of tracks available, standing out and acquiring a significant number of plays can be challenging. In this article, we’ll delve into effective strategies to boost your Spotify plays, including the role of platforms like Socialplug in achieving this goal.

The Significance of Spotify Plays

Spotify plays serve as a testament to an artist’s popularity and reach. The number of plays a track accumulates not only reflects its quality but also influences its discoverability on the platform. 

Tracks with higher play counts are more likely to appear in user-generated playlists, algorithmic recommendations, and even official curated playlists. As a result, garnering more Spotify plays is essential for building a strong online presence and reaching a broader audience. Here are ways you can get more Spotify plays.

Crafting Compelling and Unique Music

Before delving into external strategies, it’s imperative to emphasize the importance of the core product: your music. Producing high-quality, unique, and compelling tracks is the foundation of attracting more Spotify plays. Take time to refine your sound, experiment with different genres, and focus on creating music that resonates with your target audience.

Optimizing Your Spotify Profile

Your Spotify artist profile is your digital business card. Make sure it accurately represents your brand and music. Here are some tips to optimize your profile:

  • Artist Bio: Write an engaging and concise bio that tells your story and showcases your musical style.
  • Profile Image and Header: Use high-resolution images that reflect your brand. Your profile picture should be recognizable even when scaled down to a small thumbnail.
  • Popular Tracks: Feature your most popular tracks prominently on your profile to capture listeners’ attention right away.
  • Playlist Creation: Curate playlists that highlight your own tracks along with songs from artists in your genre. This can help you engage with your audience and keep them on your profile longer.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for promoting your music and increasing your Spotify plays. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  • Content Sharing: Share your tracks on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. Use visually appealing graphics, short video clips, and catchy captions to grab users’ attention.
  • Engagement: Interact with your followers by responding to comments, hosting Q&A sessions, and sharing behind-the-scenes content. The more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to stream your music.
  • Collaborations: Partner with influencers, fellow musicians, or bloggers in your genre to cross-promote each other’s work and expand your reach.

Collaborate with Other Artists

Collaboration can be a powerful way to increase your Spotify plays. Partner with artists in your genre or related genres to create new tracks together. This not only introduces your music to each other’s fan bases but also encourages cross-promotion. Listeners who enjoy one artist’s style are likely to explore the other artist’s work, leading to more plays for both parties.

Utilize User-Generated Playlists

User-generated playlists have a significant influence on Spotify’s algorithm. Reach out to your fans and ask them to create playlists featuring your tracks. Encourage them to share these playlists with their friends and followers. As these playlists gain followers, your music will gain more exposure and, consequently, more plays.

Release Singles Strategically

Instead of releasing an entire album all at once, consider releasing singles strategically. This approach allows you to maintain a consistent presence on Spotify over a longer period. Each time you release a single, promote it heavily and encourage your audience to stream it. This focused attention can lead to a higher concentration of plays for each individual track.

Participate in Music Contests

Participating in music contests, both online and offline, can help you gain more Spotify plays. Winning or even being a finalist in a contest can generate buzz around your music, leading to increased streaming. Additionally, many music contests offer promotional opportunities that can expose your music to a wider audience.

Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencers in the music industry or related niches can significantly boost your Spotify plays. Identify influencers whose audience aligns with your target demographic. Reach out to them for collaborations, shoutouts, or playlist features. When an influencer with a substantial following shares your music, it can result in a surge of streams.

Run Targeted Advertising Campaigns

Platforms like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and even Spotify Ad Studio allow you to run targeted advertising campaigns to promote your music. You can define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and music preferences. By reaching out to users who are likely to enjoy your music, you increase the chances of getting more plays.

Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is key to retaining and growing your fan base. Respond to comments and messages from listeners. Ask for their opinions on your music, and involve them in decisions like choosing your next single. When fans feel connected to you, they are more likely to stream your music repeatedly.

Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

People are curious about the creative process behind their favorite music. Share behind-the-scenes content like studio sessions, lyric writing, and production insights. This type of content gives listeners a deeper connection to your music and can encourage them to stream it more frequently.

Tap into Niche Communities

Identify online communities, forums, and social media groups related to your genre. Participate in discussions, share your music, and engage with members. Building a presence within these communities can lead to more plays from people who are genuinely interested in your style of music.

Remember, the key to success on Spotify is a combination of authenticity, consistency, and a well-rounded approach to promotion. By implementing a mix of these strategies, you can effectively increase your Spotify plays and build a dedicated fan base.

Utilizing Organic Promotion

Organic promotion methods can significantly contribute to increasing your Spotify plays without resorting to paid tactics:

  • Pitching to Playlists: Research and pitch your tracks to relevant user-generated playlists. Personalized pitches that highlight why your track is a good fit can increase your chances of acceptance.
  • Blogs and Music Publications: Reach out to music blogs and online publications for reviews or features. A positive review can drive traffic to your Spotify profile.
  • Live Performances: Performing live, whether at local venues or through virtual concerts, can help you connect with fans and encourage them to stream your music.

Exploring Paid Promotion with Socialplug

In a competitive landscape, artists often seek additional avenues to gain an edge. This is where platforms like Socialplug come into play. Socialplug offers services to buy Spotify plays, helping artists boost their play counts and enhance their visibility on the platform. But how does this work, and why should you consider it?

Socialplug provides a legitimate way to increase your Spotify plays by delivering plays from real and active users. This means that your play count grows naturally, which aligns with Spotify’s terms of use. This approach not only boosts your play numbers but also helps your tracks appear more popular, leading to increased discoverability.

When you buy Spotify plays from Socialplug, you’re essentially jumpstarting your tracks’ popularity. The initial surge in plays can attract organic listeners who are more likely to explore your music due to its perceived popularity. Moreover, the increased visibility can catch the attention of playlist curators and algorithms, potentially landing your tracks on more playlists and reaching a wider audience.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to note that while buying Spotify plays can be a strategic move, it should complement your overall promotion efforts. A combination of organic growth, engaging content, and targeted paid promotion can yield the best results.

While buying Spotify plays from platforms like Socialplug can provide a valuable boost, it’s crucial to integrate this tactic into a comprehensive promotion strategy. By aligning these efforts, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your Spotify plays, expanding your fan base, and making a lasting impact in the world of music.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why are Spotify plays important for artists? 

Spotify plays indicate the popularity and reach of an artist’s music. More plays enhance visibility, increase chances of playlist features, and attract a wider audience.

Q2: Can buying Spotify plays really help my music career? 

Buying Spotify plays from reputable sources can give your tracks an initial boost in visibility, attracting organic listeners and potential playlist curators.

Q3: Is it necessary to buy Spotify plays if my music is good? 

While good music is essential, the competitive nature of the platform demands proactive promotion. Buying plays can complement your efforts by kickstarting your track’s popularity.

Q4: How can collaborations with other artists lead to more plays? 

Collaborations introduce your music to a wider audience through shared fan bases. This cross-promotion increases your chances of more plays and engagement.

Q5: What’s the role of user-generated playlists in gaining Spotify plays?

User-generated playlists influence Spotify’s algorithms. Encouraging fans to create playlists featuring your tracks can lead to increased plays and discoverability.

Q6: How can releasing singles strategically improve my plays? 

Releasing singles sequentially keeps your music fresh and maintains audience interest. Focused promotion for each single can lead to higher play counts.

Q7: How effective is influencer marketing in boosting Spotify plays? 

Influencers can expose your music to their followers, resulting in more plays. Collaborating with influencers whose audience matches your target demographic is key.

Q8: Can advertising campaigns on social media platforms help increase plays? 

 Yes, targeted advertising campaigns allow you to reach potential listeners who are likely to enjoy your music, leading to increased streams.

Q9: What’s the significance of engaging with the audience for plays? 

 Engaging with fans builds a loyal community. When fans feel connected, they’re more inclined to stream your music and share it with others.

Q10: Are there any ethical considerations when buying Spotify plays? 

Buying plays should be done from reputable sources to ensure real and engaged listeners. Always adhere to Spotify’s terms of use to maintain credibility.

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How To Get Greater Engagement On Your Social Media Posts. Thu, 27 Apr 2023 21:23:37 +0000 Are you tired of posting on your social media and getting very little in the way of engagement from your followers? Do you feel like you are completely wasting your time? If so, give this article a read and we’ll share some advice on how to get greater engagement – and ultimately grow your following. […]

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Are you tired of posting on your social media and getting very little in the way of engagement from your followers? Do you feel like you are completely wasting your time? If so, give this article a read and we’ll share some advice on how to get greater engagement – and ultimately grow your following.

1. Know your audience

It might sound daft, but who are you trying to engage with? Do you know your target audience inside and out? First, conduct thorough consumer research, paint a picture of who they are and what makes them tick, and then build your content to resonate with them.

2. Be authentic…genuinely

Marketers and content creators throw around the word “authentic” so much that it’s almost lost all meaning. Like when you repeat a word out loud too many times and it starts to sound unnatural!

But, like it or not, authenticity is the key to getting greater engagement on your social media posts. And that means, finding your unique voice and being consistent with your messaging. How can you differentiate yourself from the others?

Also, don’t neglect EEAT (Experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) if you want your audience to feel comfortable engaging with your brand.

3. Respond to your followers regularly

There comes a point where responding to every single comment on a social media post would be practically impossible. However, in the early stages of your growth, it’s worth engaging with as many of your followers as you can. If they are taking the time to show their support, thank them and let them know that their engagement is much appreciated.

When people feel like their opinions matter, they’ll be far more likely to show up and take part.

4. Make the content…engaging!

If you want to elicit some form of engagement, then you need to create content that genuinely encourages it. You’d be surprised by how many people share one-sided content and then wonder why no one is getting involved.

Ask questions, spark debate, share funny titbits, and create posts that will ultimately be fun for your audience to interact with.

5. Be consistent

Another underrated factor when posting on social profiles for engagement is consistency. Stick to a regular posting schedule and show up on your followers’ news feeds at set times. If you commit to this and continue sharing quality content, people will come to expect your posts and eagerly keep an eye out for them.

6. Use hashtags with the intention

Don’t add any old hashtag to each post for the sake of it. Use them strategically and with intention. If you want to engage with a particular audience or be a part of a discussion, certain hashtags can make it far easier for people to find your content. Not only that, but it can open you up to a wider audience and ultimately grow your following. 

7. Hire the professionals

Without a social media marketing strategy in place, you’ll be wasting your time by posting on social media. If you genuinely want engagement and to leverage social media to start driving more traffic through to your website and effectively monetizing your audience, then consider investing in a professional social media marketing agency in Dubai.


Let’s have a quick recap:

  • Know your audience.
  • Be genuinely authentic.
  • Respond to your followers.
  • Create awesome and engaging content.
  • Be consistent and post regularly.
  • Use the relevant hashtags strategically and with intention.
  • Invest in a professional social media marketing agency.

Again, posting without research and having a clear intention is a waste of time. You must remember that the average internet user is exposed to thousands of ads every single day and countless brands and businesses are fighting for their attention. If you truly want to cut through the noise and get more engagement, you need to develop a purposeful strategy and post content worth talking about! 

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Instagram Stories: The Complete Guide for Your Company Thu, 20 Apr 2023 01:49:00 +0000 It’s no secret that Instagram Stories have exploded in popularity. Influencer marketing through Stories is expected to increase in popularity, with 83% of marketers planning to employ them. They’re enticing to the ordinary Instagram user since they’re time-sensitive and easy to touch. Furthermore, organic reach has been diminished as a result of Instagram’s algorithm modifications. […]

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It’s no secret that Instagram Stories have exploded in popularity. Influencer marketing through Stories is expected to increase in popularity, with 83% of marketers planning to employ them. They’re enticing to the ordinary Instagram user since they’re time-sensitive and easy to touch.

Furthermore, organic reach has been diminished as a result of Instagram’s algorithm modifications. Brands are finding that Stories provide a low-hanging fruit chance for exposure and interaction.

What are Instagram Stories

The photographs and videos you post to your Instagram Story feed will vanish after 24 hours. The information you post to Stories doesn’t appear on your main feed.

Each new picture or video that is added to your feed in a Story is like a new slide in a slideshow. The default time a photo is shown is seven seconds, while the maximum time for a video is fifteen seconds.

A purple and orange ring will surround your profile image whenever you submit a new Story. This lets your audience know that they may expect new stuff from you.

Although Stories only last for 24 hours, you may permanently save your finest slideshows as Highlights. Your profile will then display these Highlights above your main feed.

Instagram page for the Drunk Elephant brand with an active Instagram Story and several Highlights

Users may comment on your Stories via direct messages or interactive features like polls and stickers. Your Stories will stand out with creative touches like special captions, overlays, and original music.

Consider Stories as an alternative, exclusive feed for your most engaged audience members.

Why use Instagram Stories

It’s been shown time and time again that using Stories as part of your content strategy is beneficial.

Exposure to the relevant demographic is just the beginning. Recent Instagram statistics show that 50% of users have clicked over to a website to buy something they saw in a Story.

Some of the most important factors in expanding a business account are highlighted below.

Your IG Stories Downloader will now take center stage in your followers’ feeds.

The main event has arrived. You may “skip the line” on your followers’ feeds whenever you upload a new Instagram Story.

This is due to the Stories feed’s prominent placement on the Instagram main page.

If you post Stories on a regular basis, your company will remain in your readers’ thoughts.

IG Stories put you front-and-center in followers’ feeds

This is the big one. Whenever you post a new Story to Instagram, you automatically “skip the line” in your followers’ feeds.

That’s because the Stories feed is always right there and above the fold on the Instagram home screen.

So, if you’re consistently publishing Stories, you’re always on your customers’ minds.

Considering how the Instagram algorithm is constantly changing, the Stories feed is prime real estate for brands. It allows you to get more eyes on your content without having to worry about reach.

Stories are perfect for humanizing your brand

Keep in mind that most Instagram Stories are off-the-cuff and informal, even from brands. This represents a stark contrast from the more “optimized” or salesy content you might see on your main feed.

Snap a selfie of your team? Want to share a quick personal anecdote? Go for it. Stories are the ideal place to talk to your customers like people for the sake of showing off your brand’s voice and personality.

Insta Stories offer endless opportunities to engage

The features baked into Stories are ideal for brands that want to go back and forth with followers while having a bit of fun. Polls and quizzes. Custom stickers and music. #hashtags and @mentions. The list goes on and on.

stickers dashboard on Instagram Stories showing several different stickers

With a bit of creativity, Stories empower you to engage followers and get them talking in just a couple of taps.

How to view Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories take up a lot of real estate at the very top of the feed. They are more likely to generate views and interactions since they are the first thing users see when they launch the app. Let’s check out the several ways Instagram Stories may be viewed.

Step 1: Go to your Instagram home screen

After launching Instagram, go to the main feed by pressing the profile picture at the app’s bottom.

Several profile photographs with orange and purple circles at the top will appear on your home screen. These colourful orbs represent users whose Stories are currently available for viewing.

showing stories content at top of feed

Step 2: Tap on the Story you want to view

Select a spherical thumbnail from your Stories feed by tapping on it. The user’s uploaded Story will load in a new tab or window.

Step 3: Tap left, right or hold to explore

After starting a Story, you may watch it for as long as you wish by tapping and holding to stop it. You may swipe right to see the next Story or swipe left to see the previous one.

You may quickly go on to the next user’s Story by swiping left. To see the preceding user’s Story, swipe right.

How to Make an Instagram Story

Making your first Instagram Story is simple. The difficulty is in coming up with one that really interests them. First, however, we’ll take a look at the fundamentals of creating an Instagram Story.

Step 1: First, go over to your Instagram homepage and click on your profile image. Doing so will allow you to contribute content to your Story.

Step 2: To begin making a new Story, go to the “Add to Story” screen and tap the “Camera” icon there. Add anything from your camera roll, or choose an item from your photo library. You may also access Instagram’s camera by swiping right from the main screen. You may start recording a video or taking a picture right now to add to your Story.

add to story page on Instagram displaying images from the camera roll and a camera button

Step 3: Third, choose a filter from the options at the display’s base before taking your picture or recording your video. A capture mode may be selected before taking the picture or recording the video. To see further choices, tap the arrow on the side panel. Select boomerang, layout, hands-free, or dual as your mode of operation. A new textual Story may be made by clicking the “Create” button.

Instagram Stories camera app with toolbar highlighted at the right-hand panel of the screen

Step 4: Fourth, choose a filter and a capture mode, and then press the camera button to snap a picture. To start a new video recording, tap and hold the record button.

Step 5: Fifth, after taking the picture or recording the video, touch the “text” button at the very top to add some words to your Story. Simply enter your text and it will display as a transparent overlay. Clearly convey your message by modifying the font, text color, and text effects.

Instagram Stories creation window with "Text example" written on the screen

Step 6: Select the sticker icon to add appropriate stickers to your Story. Countdown clocks, hashtags, location tags, mention tags, audio, polls, links, and hashtags may all be added directly from the sticker dashboard. Alternatively, you may search for a certain sticker by typing a term into the search box at the top of the screen.

Step 7: After you’ve finished making changes to the Story and adding stickers, you can go on to Step 7 by tapping the arrow button at the screen’s bottom. Then pick “Your Story,” where you’ll also find the option to share with just the folks you’ve designated as “Close Friends” on Instagram. Click the “Share” button to broadcast the Story immediately.

Instagram Story sharing page with the option to share to "Your Story" selected

How to use Instagram Stories

Including Stories in your Instagram marketing approach is essential.

First-timers may find it difficult to think of material to include.

Relax about it. Here are some practical suggestions for using Instagram Stories in your social media advertising campaigns.

Educate your audience with how-to’s and tutorials

Conversations with customers may easily be started and continued in the context of a story.

Polls and quizzes are fun and easy tools for this. Polls, quizzes, questions, and voting stickers are common features of Benefit Cosmetics’ Stories. This is a great method to have some lighthearted interaction with the brand’s target market.

Go back and forth with polls, quizzes, and questions

There are certain companies that utilize their Stories for public service messages. This is a brilliant strategy for keeping your fans and customers abreast of your company’s latest developments.

Feature recent posts prominently in your main feed

This is an illustration of how to utilize Instagram’s Stories feature to go around the app’s algorithm.

Story from Benefit Cosmetics with an emoji slider giving the option to point to three different products

Make announcements and break your own news

There are certain companies that utilize their Stories for public service messages. This is a brilliant strategy for keeping your fans and customers abreast of your company’s latest developments.

Highlight the latest posts in your main feed

This is an illustration of how to utilize Instagram’s Stories feature to go around the app’s algorithm.

Let’s pretend a fresh post in your primary feed has blown your mind. Using Instagram Stories to generate buzz is completely acceptable.

Be careful not to overdo it with the announcements of your Instagram posts if you don’t want to. Keep this method for your most noteworthy promotions and updates.

With the ability to include links in Instagram Stories, you can spread the word about fresh content on other platforms. Put your most recent articles, press releases, and other stuff out there using this function.

Post teasers of upcoming content or products

If nothing else, Stories will get you excited about what you have planned. Perhaps you’re looking forward to working with someone fresh. Maybe a new product is soon to be released.

Telling a story is an effective way to reach a big audience. Using imaginative stickers and countdowns, this is surprisingly simple to accomplish.

Market limited-time discounts and specials

You may use Instagram Stories in the same way that you would use Instagram to advertise a sale. Both online and traditional retailers may benefit from this. You may utilize your Stories to draw attention to a current sale or advertise a limited-time offer.

Promote time-sensitive offers and deals

Brands often publish user-generated content in the form of Stories.

You can accomplish one of these things using Stories: design a presentation just for customers. And user-generated content (UGC) won’t overwhelm your primary feed.

Furthermore, resharing material in Stories is considerably simpler than with more conventional programming tools.

Share user-generated content and customer photos

If nothing else, Stories will get you excited about what you have planned. Perhaps you’re looking forward to working with someone fresh. Maybe a new product is soon to be released.

Telling a story is an effective way to reach a big audience. Using imaginative stickers and countdowns, this is surprisingly simple to accomplish.

Market limited-time discounts and specials

Take your followers behind-the-scenes

Instagram Stories are great since they don’t have to be professionally made. Many companies, in reality, write their “Stories” spontaneously and without editing.

Try out new approaches to using Stories to bring your audience along for the adventure. Photos from events and “day in the life” pieces showcasing your usual routine are both good options.

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3 Ways to Make Money on TikTok Mon, 17 Apr 2023 03:05:16 +0000 TikTok is the most popular social media platform in the world. With hundreds of millions of users worldwide creating and sharing content, TikTok has created a unique opportunity for social media influencers around the world to monetize their content and begin earning money on social media. Whether you’re a creative individual making singing, dancing, or […]

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TikTok is the most popular social media platform in the world. With hundreds of millions of users worldwide creating and sharing content, TikTok has created a unique opportunity for social media influencers around the world to monetize their content and begin earning money on social media. Whether you’re a creative individual making singing, dancing, or other artistic TikToks or have an existing business you’d like to promote on the app, there are plenty of ways to monetize your activity on TikTok.

In this article, we’ll look at three popular strategies that can help you capitalize on the newest medium for users around the world. Keep reading to learn more! 

Partner With Brands

Social media apps like TikTok have become a powerful tool for individuals to leverage their influence in the online world. One easy way to expand your reach and monetize your platform is by partnering with brands and creating sponsored content. From fashion to technology and everything in between, brands of all sizes are constantly seeking collaborations with content creators and social media influencers who align with their values and target audience. By working with these brands, you get the chance to showcase your creativity and expertise, expand your audience, and increase your credibility. Remember, sponsored content should always feel authentic and transparent to your followers to maintain their trust. Start exploring potential partnerships now and take your influence to the next level!

Promote Your Business’s Products or Services

If you own a small business or large company like The Bunion Cure, advertising your products and services via short videos on TikTok is one of the best ways to boost sales. Short videos are becoming increasingly popular as a powerful tool for businesses to showcase what they have to offer in just a few seconds. Not only are they quick and easy to produce, but they are also highly shareable and can be posted on various social media platforms, providing a gateway for even more exposure. By creating compelling short videos that highlight your unique selling points and the benefits of your products or services, you can capture the attention of your target audience and drive more traffic to your website. So why not give it a try and see for yourself how short videos can help you promote your own products or services?

TikTok Creator Fund

On July 22, 2020, TikTok announced their new Creator Fund, pledging to give $200M U.S. to “encourage those who dream of using their voices and creativity to spark inspirational careers.”

The internet—and the world—ate it up, and only a week later, they announced that the fund would grow to $1B U.S. by 2023. So how do you get your hands on that sweet creator cash? The app has a few boxes you have to tick before you can start making :

  • Be located in the US, UK, France, Germany, Spain or Italy
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have at least 10,000 followers
  • Have at least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days
  • Have an account that abides by TikTok Community Guidelines and terms of service

You can apply for the Creator Fund through the app (you’ll need to switch to a Pro Account if you don’t have that already). Click on Creator Tool and then TikTok Creator Fund to send in your application.

Sell products directly through TikTok

TikTok Shop offers brands the opportunity to integrate ecommerce directly into the app — it’s like your own little digital storefront.

Brands can also collaborate with creators to sell products through their channels. You can showcase and sell your products via your TikTok videos, TikTok Live, and the product showcase tab.

If you are a Seller, you must be located in the UK, Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, or Indonesia. You must also be able to prove it with a phone number from that region, a certificate of incorporation for your business, and identification.

Collect Gifts From Your Viewers

Gifts are a way for viewers to show their appreciation to creators. It’s a little bit convoluted but stay with us here because, ultimately, gifts from the fans turn into cash money for you.

1. TikTok users purchase “Coins” from TikTok that they can use to buy virtual Gifts.

2. When they’re watching a Live stream or a video that they think is really amazing, users can send that “gift” to the creator. (Only creators who have signed up for TikTok Creator Next access will be able to receive gifts, though.)

3. Those “gifts” then get converted into “diamonds,” and once a creator has enough “diamonds,” they can cash them in for real, actual money.

Become a TikTok Tutor

One of the most surprising ways for college students and individuals of all ages to earn an income on social media is by becoming a TikTok tutor. Have you ever thought about sharing your skills and knowledge with the world? TikTok is the perfect platform to showcase your expertise and help others learn something new! With virtual classes becoming the new norm, you can easily become a TikTok tutor and offer your talents in coding, graphic design, and music production to a larger audience. Imagine how fulfilling it would be to see your students succeed and create their own masterpieces. You don’t need to be a professional teacher to become a tutor on TikTok – all you need is creativity, passion, and a willingness to share. So, what are you waiting for? Start your virtual classroom today!

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Empowering Business Success: Unleashing the Potential of Instagram Messaging with Mitto Sun, 16 Apr 2023 01:01:26 +0000 Most people with social media accounts started those accounts to stay connected with important people in their lives. Often, this involves posting photos. And when it comes to posting photos — no social media platform is quite as beloved as Instagram. The photo diary platform was first launched in October 2010 in its initial form. […]

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Most people with social media accounts started those accounts to stay connected with important people in their lives. Often, this involves posting photos. And when it comes to posting photos — no social media platform is quite as beloved as Instagram. The photo diary platform was first launched in October 2010 in its initial form. It has quickly grown to be one of the most popular social media sites for Millennials and Gen Z. Today, Instagram is used for far more than posting photos. This all-in-one platform is often a one-stop for posting, communicating, and within the past few years— shopping.

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms of today, and brands who aren’t utilizing its messaging platforms are missing out on a vital connection with close to two-thirds of their consumer market. However, creating a successful customer marketing campaign isn’t as easy as hopping on the platform and communicating with customers. Brands face many issues when it comes to implementing a sweeping social media messaging campaign on Instagram. Like all social media platforms, utilizing its features incorrectly isn’t just embarrassing to the brand image — it can be disastrous. 

Tools like Mitto Conversations aim to maintain a consistent brand for companies utilizing social media messaging as a tool for customer communication. 

The Power Of Instagram Messaging 

As SMS marketing campaigns have shown, consumer communication strategy is ever-evolving. Statistics have shown that Instagram is a rising star on the communications front, which is likely why so many businesses are starting to see Instagram Messenger as a valuable tool. In 2020, a Statista poll estimated 63% of Internet users between 15-15 years old used Instagram. During this same year, Instagram projected it would reach 1.2 billion users by 2022. As of 2023, they have exceeded this initial estimate, landing 1.4 billion + active users globally. Each of the platform’s users gets on Instagram multiple times per week — some multiple times per day, and each time interacts with hundreds of pieces of content. As well as interacting with others’ posts, they also use Messenger to interact with each other and brands. 

Users clearly think of Instagram as more than just an app for looking at photos and videos. The messaging app works as a multi-functional communication tool, allowing users to reply to photos, stories, create group chats, and maintain private chats with friends and family. While some may still think of Instagram as just a place to interact socially with people they know, data is clear that people use it for more than just chatting with friends. Businesses make up a huge portion of relationships on Instagram, and of regular users on Instagram, nearly 90% follow another business. 

So, why is Instagram an ideal place for businesses to interact with their customers? Businesses might cite many reasons, but one of the biggest drivers of Instagram Messenger is personalization. Instagram offers messaging personalization businesses can’t always achieve with SMS. It provides a platform to easily engage with their customers in a way that feels comfortable to customers. This personalization is a relationship-builder, allowing customers to ask questions about products, engage with product content, and learn more about potential products without leaving their favorite app or going out of their way to find products they are interested in. The statistics support this, as well. A recent survey showed close to 65% of brands who have used Instagram Messenger to send personalized content noticed increased customer conversions. 

In a world where poor personalization can make or break a customer relationship, Instagram can help businesses avoid the issues facing that potential break in the consumer-business relationship. Recent surveys have shown that businesses that don’t prioritize quick responses can lose customer faith. Nearly half of consumers expect responses to their inquiries from brands in four hours or less. Additionally, over half of consumers (60%) mentioned that they would stop interacting with businesses that can’t make customer personalization a priority. 

But all the talk of personalization and customer interaction can seem overwhelming to businesses without a social media strategy. Collecting and using consumer data can help ensure you have enough information to make a compelling connection with your consumers. And utilizing tools like Mitto Integrations can help integrate all your data into one seamless consumer outreach campaign. 

How Mitto’s Solutions Fit In

Brands like Mitto help businesses reach their full potential by connecting brand engagement tools into one platform. As of 2021, the world’s top three social media channels include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Most social media users don’t have just one account on these social media kingpin platforms — they have at least two or more. This provides brands with ample ways to communicate with customers, but it’s up to the customer to choose which platform works best for them. By working from one unified inbox, brands using tools like Mitto Conversations can maintain one consistent brand identity across the most engaging social media channels while also building a customer relationship. 

In a recent interview, the CEO of Mitto, Andrea Giacomini, said, “Social media networks have evolved from their early days as consumer-to-consumer platforms and are now highly effective channels for brands to engage, advertise and grow their business. Customers are comfortable, familiar with and already on these channels, allowing brands to seamlessly and naturally facilitate conversations without forcing customers to leave to another channel. With the addition of Messenger, Instagram, and Twitter to our portfolios, brands can manage all two-way customer conversations across all of the most popular channels through a single provider, giving them the flexibility to scale without draining resources.”

Mitto Conversations is a tool for businesses that provide one inbox for all communication platforms — including social media, SMS, and more. Mitto’s tool provides brands with the ability to communicate with their customers in a way that makes sense for them; it also provides consumers the ability to communicate with brands in a way that is comfortable. The Mitto Conversations dashboard lets brands begin messaging without integrating APIs. Additionally, it supports brands 24/7 so that they are always in compliance and always able to meet their customer’s security needs. 

On top of all this, Mitto Conversations allows brands to customize the content they provide to their target demographics using customer data & tools for understanding how social media messaging platforms, like Instagram Messenger, function. One way in which messaging on Instagram can be amplified is by using the “language” of social media platforms, such as memes or emojis with younger demographics. Older demographics, on the other hand, appreciate more formal, concise, but in-depth communication when interacting with brands. Mitto Conversations can help businesses analyze data in a way that can parse the right conversational tone for the right demographic. 

Instagram Messenger can be an extremely powerful tool for brands hoping to elevate the way they interact with brands. But utilizing a tool like Mitto Conversations can help brands get the most out of those interactions in a way that supports their consumers, builds trust, and builds brand awareness concurrently. 

About Mitto AG:

Mitto AG is focused on bringing brand communication into the 21st century. Founded in 2013 by Andrea Giacomini and Ilja Gorelik, Mitto has evolved to provide Chat App APIs, SMS, Voice, & Messaging to businesses. They operate globally, helping businesses and their customers stay connected for life. Follow Mitto on Twitter: @mittoglobal  

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How to Stitch Videos on TikTok? Wed, 29 Mar 2023 02:15:54 +0000 TikTok always being a beginner to new ideas and thoughts. So many trends have been evoked only from TikTok. It is the inventor of recent trends. Similarly, more features are available on the TikTok platform. One of the most used features is TikTok stitches. Many people use stitches to collaborate on two videos. It will […]

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TikTok always being a beginner to new ideas and thoughts. So many trends have been evoked only from TikTok. It is the inventor of recent trends. Similarly, more features are available on the TikTok platform. One of the most used features is TikTok stitches. Many people use stitches to collaborate on two videos. It will be more lively to watch a video. Even TikTok stitches have got more likes, shares, comments, etc., 

If you are a user who still needs to utilize the TikTok stitches, you are losing out on the potential followers to your account. Stitches would increase followers. To increase your brand visibility, try using Trollishly and strengthen your online presence. For more information, read the article and then learn more about the TikTok stitch videos. Let’s begin! 

What Is A TikTok Stitch?

The TikTok stitch is where the screen is split into two, and both videos would run simultaneously. On one side, there would be the original video; on the other, there would be the creative one you create. As it is a collaborative video, gaining popularity is easier. For example, if you want to film a dance video, you shall stitch the same dance moves from different people. Isn’t it quite enjoyable? Yes, the TikTok audience would feel so interested in using TikTok stitches. 

How to Stitch Videos on TikTok?

To create a new TikTok stitch video, then you have to follow specific steps as follows, 

  • Open the TikTok app, and then on the ‘for you page’, select the video you like the most. 
  • Now click on the share button, and from the list, you shall choose the stitch option. 
  • You shall trim the selected video for stitching, and now it’s your turn to show your creativity. 
  • Not every video would have the stitching option. Only the creator who allows you to stitch shall have this option. 

How to Enable the Stitch Option?

It is so simple. First, you must click the three bars on the TikTok profile. Now go to the settings and then click on privacy. Under safety, on the stitch option, choose everyone. With this option, you allow everyone watching the video to stitch. All you have to do is to toggle the stitch option. 

7 Tips for Stitching Videos on TikTok

Hop on Viral Trends

TikTok is all about viral trends. So to stitch, you have to take the viral videos and then stitch them. You have to add your own spin to the videos. When you look out the ‘for you page,’ you will find more videos. You shall add creative effects and make your stitch more effective.

Tell Your Story

As the screen is split into two, you may have two different concepts running through the screen. For instance, most of the comedy dialogue would be stitched as it is more like a conversation. By using stitch, you can try over challenges that are trending. One of the most trending ones is #dontrushchallenge, where they would show how people from different countries differ in their get-ready routines. 

Stitch for Reactions

Reaction videos are most popular on TikTok. First, a situation would be played on the screen. Then the natural reactions to the videos would be recorded precisely. For instance, most of the film reactions would be stitched. It is one of the most popular tricks to get more followers. People will love these reaction videos if yours is so good. Show Your Skills

The stitching would be a great way to showcase your skills if you are a skill-oriented person. You shall film for your favorite audio by dancing or recording a song for karaoke, etc. Once you practice perfectly with your skill, you should stitch with authentic and original videos. It is always recommended to do stitch videos sparingly. If overused, people would find it more confusing and boring. In addition, you can buy tiktok followers which enhances online performance.

Attention to the Audio

The most important aspect is to pay attention to the audio. Because the sound has to sync your actions on the video, only if you do the proper actions will your video become more popular among the audience. So, to gain more fame, you shall try using Trollishly and shall reap the benefits.


Creativity matters to the core. If you are creative, you have to brainstorm your mind for more creative ideas. Once you start doing the stitch videos, you know the audience preferences more. It would be easy to record and post the videos on the platform. The more you post, the more would be video engagement.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

If you post a video asking open-ended questions, then it would be great for the audience to stitch using it. For the question, they will stitch and reply with the answers. These types of stitches would be more like a solution provider. It may be a stitch regarding the current event in your industry or niche. 

How to Watch Stitches on TikTok?

If you want to find the TikTok stitches videos mainly, you must do simple research. In the search bar, you shall type the #stitch@username. This username can be replaced with any other words as per your wish. Now press enter and then check out the results. You may find a list of videos for your search. 

Wrapping Up

Are you ready to level up your TikTok marketing to the next level through stitches? If so, follow the above points to reap better results. We hope the article has given more insights about the stitch videos. You shall expand your reach by making unique videos on TikTok. If you are not a user, jump on to stitch a new video and entertain the audience more. For anybody who uses TikTok, stitching is a more important feature We hope you find the article interesting, so kindly leave your comments below. Thanks for reading the article. Happy TikTok stitching journey!

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Mastering Instagram Search: Advanced Tool for Finding Users in IG Sat, 25 Mar 2023 01:58:45 +0000 Instagram profile search is a super-useful free tool that allows you to find any public profile by a number of criteria. You don’t have to log in on the platform or have an Instagram account to perform the search. All you need is a computer or mobile device, an internet connection, and some keywords. Why […]

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Instagram profile search is a super-useful free tool that allows you to find any public profile by a number of criteria. You don’t have to log in on the platform or have an Instagram account to perform the search. All you need is a computer or mobile device, an internet connection, and some keywords.

Why Do I Need to Search Instagram Users?

Instagram profile search tools are very helpful for discovering valuable information that can assist your business promotion across the platform.

Whether you’re looking to grow your followers, grab good marketing ideas from well-performing accounts or connect with influencers, Instagram user search engines are something you cannot ignore.

With these tools, you can also look at your own account and assess it from a different angle, ‘from the outside’. Perhaps, it will give you some insights and prompt you on where to direct your marketing strategy.

How Does Instagram User Search Work?

There are plenty of search solutions, each of them being based on different methods, but we would like to introduce you to a smart tool by Inflact. It’s a free, fast, and efficient service that you’re definitely going to love.

Let us explain how to find an Instagram account using Inflact’s Instagram user search. It is an online feature, so you don’t need to download any apps or even log in. Just open the tool page and start searching.

The search engine offers several options including Instagram user search by name, phone number, or email. If you know any of these data, type them in the input line and press the Search button. The results will appear in a couple of seconds.

If you’re not looking for a particular Instagram user, but performing an analysis of profiles in a specific niche or industry, advanced search filters would be quite handy.

These include the number of followers and posts, location, and gender. Also, you can choose a category from a pretty long list in the drop-down menu.

ig user search tool

Are you wondering how applying different criteria would affect your Instagram user search results? Let’s try various lookup options and see.

For example, you want to find users by the keyword ‘jlo’ and specify that it should be in the username:

how to find users by username

The tool comes up with quite a bunch of Instagram username search results:

what are user search results

If we change the keyword search filter from username to description…

account search by description

…the list of profiles would be different, and none of the top ones has anything to do with Jennifer Lopez. Check it!

This is just to illustrate that searching for social media profiles can be multi-faceted and is not always straightforward.

Now let’s imagine that you’re looking for influencers to team up with for your brand promotion. The most obvious way to do it is to type in the word ‘influencer’ in the search bar.

We’ve got more than 36,000 profiles meeting this criterion.

searching for influencers tool

If you’re a local business and want to be represented by your fellow townspeople, you can narrow the search by applying the location filter. Looking for LA-based influencers? Choose ‘Los Angeles’ and check what the tool’s got for you.

search by location in insta

The updated Instagram search for users in LA gives us way fewer profiles:

instagram profile search

You can go on ‘playing’ with the Instagram profile search engine — for instance, pick only males accounts or specify the number of followers an influencer you want to partner with should have.

The service can also be used for analyzing the profiles of your competitors and comparing their marketing strategies to yours. First, you need to find successful accounts in your niche. To do that, try different combinations of filters.

After you’ve got a list of profiles of interest to you, you can use Instagram profile analyzer to audit the accounts and borrow some good ideas for business promotion. This tool is also free. It analyzes accounts based on their statistics and delivers 13 metrics, from the number of posts and followers to the most commented and liked the content and user engagement.


Instagram user search tools are an effective means of promoting brands and businesses on the platform and enhancing social media marketing strategies. These services will help you get information about your competitors, engage with influencers, assess your own account’s performance, gain followers, and simply find people.

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Increasing Reddit Subscribers: Strategies for Growing Your Subreddit Community Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:22:29 +0000 Building a thriving subreddit community can be a challenging task. With over 100,000 subreddits to compete with, gaining subscribers takes more than just creating a subreddit. This guide outlines various strategies that you can employ to grow your subreddit community. These strategies include effective content creation, engagement, social media promotion, utilizing Reddit’s advertising features, hosting […]

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Building a thriving subreddit community can be a challenging task. With over 100,000 subreddits to compete with, gaining subscribers takes more than just creating a subreddit. This guide outlines various strategies that you can employ to grow your subreddit community. These strategies include effective content creation, engagement, social media promotion, utilizing Reddit’s advertising features, hosting AMA sessions, encouraging user-generated content, organizing contests and giveaways, and a unique method that has shown incredible results: buying Reddit subscribers.

Effective Content Creation Techniques

The success of your subreddit is largely contingent on the quality of content you post. A subreddit that consistently produces high-quality, relevant, and interesting content is likely to attract more subscribers. But what does effective content creation look like on Reddit?

To start, be sure to align your content with your subreddit’s theme. Secondly, use intriguing headlines that arouse curiosity and encourage clicks. Reddit users are known for their love for interesting, offbeat content, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Furthermore, regularly post content that encourages discussion. Ask open-ended questions, seek opinions, or spark debates. Content that stirs conversation tends to receive more engagement, subsequently attracting more subscribers.

Engaging with Your Existing Subscribers

Engagement is the backbone of any social media platform, and Reddit is no exception. Regularly interacting with your existing subscribers fosters a sense of community, making your subreddit an attractive place for new subscribers. This can be achieved by responding to comments, acknowledging good points, and maintaining an active presence in your subreddit.

Leveraging Social Media Promotion

Promoting your subreddit on other social media platforms can be an effective way to attract new subscribers. Cross-promotion on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn can expose your subreddit to a broader audience. Remember to tailor your promotional messages to the specific audience and norms of each platform.

Utilizing Reddit Advertising Features

Reddit offers numerous advertising features that can be leveraged to gain more subscribers. These features include sponsored posts and display ads, which can help drive targeted traffic to your subreddit. Be sure to design your advertisements in a way that they align with the interests of your target audience.

Hosting AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions

AMAs are a great way to attract new subscribers. They can help to generate buzz around your subreddit, especially if you can secure a notable personality to participate. AMAs provide an opportunity for users to interact directly with interesting individuals, something that’s highly valued in the Reddit community.

Encouraging User-generated Content

User-generated content can be a goldmine for community growth. Encouraging subscribers to create and share content not only fosters engagement but also creates a sense of ownership among your community members. This encourages them to invite others to join, thus growing your subscriber base.

Organizing Contests and Giveaways

Organizing contests and giveaways is a proven strategy for increasing engagement and attracting new subscribers. Users are often more than willing to participate in contests, especially when there’s a reward at stake. Make sure that the contest rules are clear and that the prizes are relevant to your audience.

Buying Reddit Subscribers

A unique and efficient way to increase your Reddit subscribers is by buying them. Platforms like InstaFollowers offer this service, enabling you to grow your community rapidly. With InstaFollowers, you can simply copy your subreddit link to the relevant section on their site, choose the amount of subscribers you need, and make your purchase. It’s a quick and easy way to buy Reddit subscribers.

In conclusion, growing your subreddit community requires a combination of different strategies. While organic growth is important, services that let you buy Reddit subscribers, like InstaFollowers, can provide a significant boost. By integrating all these strategies, you are well on your way to establishing a thriving community on Reddit.

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How to Set and Limit Your Screen Time on TikTok? Wed, 08 Mar 2023 20:37:36 +0000 TikTok is an excellent app for all users, filled with informative and entertaining content. Creators and marketers use this app to share high-quality videos to boost their presence. They also choose to leverage TikViral as it improves their visibility globally. If you are a TikTok user, you might know about it before. A survey also […]

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TikTok is an excellent app for all users, filled with informative and entertaining content. Creators and marketers use this app to share high-quality videos to boost their presence. They also choose to leverage TikViral as it improves their visibility globally. If you are a TikTok user, you might know about it before. A survey also says that most users are active in TikTok to gain information. It is a place with loaded multiple videos, so it has become a famous platform among global users. 

Luckily, the app provides features to support creating fantastic videos. It is also concerned about its users, allowing them to set a screen time limit. Thus it prevents the audience from a higher rate of addition. Need to some more about setting and limiting your screen time. If yes, just read this article. 

Signs to TikTok Addition 

TikTok is a platform with multiple videos, and most will be filled with funny concepts to attract you a lot. It has become a habit for all global users to spend time on social media platforms. But for everything, there will be some limits. Even many psychological factors influence the users to see videos consistently on TikTok. The addition will become extensive when you watch content more from the available social media platforms. Now, let’s list out some of the signs of TikTok addiction. 

  • Use the app without knowledge for a longer time.
  • Feel like a craving experience when you don’t use TikTok.
  • You are hiding the TikTok app from a person or your family members.
  • Every time think about TikTok and prefer to engage with the app.  
  • You will feel sadness, unhealthy mental symptoms, irritability, and anxiety. 
  • Try to avoid reality and use the app often.
  • The streamed content may lead to negative thoughts and affects your personal life.

Steps to Limit Your Screen Time 

TikTok is the best app to gain information, but it is essential to control yourself to not get addicted. So, the screen time limit is the first thing you should focus on to avoid the problem. Next, you must control yourself and limit watching the videos on TikTok. If you need to learn about limiting screen time, follow the below-mentioned steps. 

  • Open TikTok on your mobile device and go to the profile interface.
  • At the right corner, tap the three dots that appear.
  • Now, it will pop up, and you have to select the ‘Setting and Privacy’ option.
  • Scroll down to find ‘Digital Wellbeing.’
  • Select the Daily screen time; now you can see the time limit options. 
  • Choose from the list of options like 40, 60, 90, and 120 minutes to set the limit.
  • Select the Turn on the button that appears red after tapping the back arrow button.
  • Here is another step where you need to set the password. After crossing the limit, you have to enter the password to stream more videos. You can activate this feature by easily tapping next to set a password.

TikTok also allows you to set the screen time limit in another way on the Digital Wellbeing option. You can keep your account in a restricted mode using the feature. Now, you can see content that relevant to minors. When small children and teenagers see the content, it will be safer. If you want to activate this safe mode, implement the steps.

  • Go to the Digital Wellbeing option to choose the restricted mode. 
  • Select the ‘Turn on’ button located at the bottom. 
  • Set the password, and you need to confirm it. 
  • When the restricted mode turns on, you can disable it by tapping the turn-off button to enter the password.

Reason Why TikTok is Addictive

TikTok is a famous platform and one of the most download apps. It has attracted a lot of users with its excellent features. The Algorithm is designed in a way as to recommend videos that are trending right now. When people open the app, most audiences love to engage with TikTok. The 15 seconds content will stimulate all users to watch more videos often. 

So, many marketers are taking advantage of posting multiple promotional videos, and at the same time, they choose to buy tiktok views to amplify their fame among global TikTok users. A survey also found that most users are below 25 years old and watch videos without a time limit and order more things that are not needed. These are the main reason that TikTok has become more addictive than before. 

The Dangers of Extensive Use

Understanding whether you are addicted to the TikTok app is more important to overcome it. Because more extensive use of the app can affect your lifestyle and health, like eye problems. Mainly, it will affect youngsters a lot when compared to other age groups. Some of the problems are listed below. 

  • Kids will lose interest in their studies.
  • It will hamper personal and social relationships.
  • Bad habits may grow, and it leads kids to bully each other.
  • Every user will scroll and waste time watching videos repeatedly.
  • It neglects essential work and affects your work life. 

Therefore, to avoid the problems entirely from your life, limit the screen time on TikTok. Limiting your active time on TikTok and focusing on other important work will help you lead a happy and wealthy life. Try to control yourself and implement all your strategies according to your aim to achieve success. 

Final Thoughts 

TikTok is an entertaining app among all social media platforms. But extensive use may affect your lifestyle. If you are stuck in that case, the screen time limit of the app will support controlling the usage. If you don’t know how to limit yourself, follow the steps that are mentioned above. If you limit your TikTok usage and concentrate on your daily work, it will lead to getting good growth. Your mental peace is too important to get successful. So consider the negative reasons, and limit screen time to lead a happy life. 

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Best 10 Sites to Buy Real Instagram Likes Tue, 07 Mar 2023 06:56:25 +0000 Promoting an Instagram account requires a lot of hard work. You will need to create great content that your followers will like. Then, you must keep reminding them to like and follow your page. But even after all the hard work, you will sometimes struggle to get likes until you feel like giving up. One […]

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Promoting an Instagram account requires a lot of hard work. You will need to create great content that your followers will like. Then, you must keep reminding them to like and follow your page. But even after all the hard work, you will sometimes struggle to get likes until you feel like giving up.

One of the ways in which you can overcome this challenge is by buying Instagram likes. This way, you can enlarge your audience and increase engagements like comments and shares of your posts. However, for the best results, you need to buy from a good site that sells real followers.

Instagram likes

Why You Should Buy Instagram Likes

There are several reasons why you should buy real Instagram likes. These include:

Get More Followers

When your photos get more likes, your posts will have more visibility. With time, the people who view your posts will start to follow you.

Improved Sales

The more people interact with your brand, the more sales you will likely make. Therefore, buying likes will help grow your sales figures.

Appear in Suggested Posts

When Instagram notices that your posts are becoming popular, they will start recommending them to other users. This will contribute to the organic growth of your account.

Top 10 Sites to Buy Instagram Likes

Where can you get high-quality likes at a good price? Here are our top 10 recommendations:



SocialWick ranks top of our recommendations for sites that sell high-quality likes from real people. When you order from the company, they deliver the likes fast but naturally. The site also has an excellent customer service that responds to all queries fast.

Buying Instagram likes from the site is hassle-free, as you do not need to enter a password. Besides, they have affordable packages. If you are starting, you can buy as few as ten likes for $0.04


  • No password needed
  • Fast and efficient delivery
  • High-quality likes
  • No password needed


  • No live chat feature on their site

The quality of likes is our most significant consideration when reviewing sites that sell likes. When we tried different sites, SocialWick ranked first in the quality of likes they offer. This is why they are our top recommendation for Instagram likes. You can try out their services at



Our runners-up site, when it comes to selling high-quality Instagram likes that can interact with your site is Mixx. Since 2017, the site has made a good reputation for delivering high-quality likes fast and naturally.

When we checked out their reviews online, we noted that they still have thousands of 5-star rankings. This means that most users of their services are satisfied with their service. When you order from the site, they begin delivering within 24 hours.


  • High-quality likes that do not drop
  • Automatic refills
  • Great customer service
  • 100% safe and risk-free
  • Reasonable prices


  • Likes cannot be split between posts

Once you order from the site, you will start to see engagement on your posts almost immediately. The prices on Mixx start at $0.49 for 25 likes. To check their affordable packages, you can visit their site.



Another site that gets favorable reviews from users who bought Instagram likes is SocialGreg. This is one site you cannot ignore, mainly because they have sold millions of likes for different social media sites. However, in our research, we discovered that the reason they are popular is because they sell likes from real people with active accounts.


  • Deliver likes fast and naturally
  • Wide range of affordable packages
  • 24/7 customer service
  • SSL secured site


  • The website isn’t user-friendly

The Instagram likes from SocialGreg do not drop. However, in the unlikely event that they do, they guarantee automatic refills. Their packages are also quite affordable. To check out their services, you can visit



SubscriberZ is another site that ranks highly when it comes to providing likes from real accounts. This makes it an excellent choice for ensuring the organic growth of your account. The site delivers the likes fast but gradually. While their likes are from the U.S, U.K., and Germany, they also allow users to choose the location where they want the likes to be from.


  • Great customer service
  • 100% safe and risk-free
  • Fast processing of orders
  • Affordable prices


  • No free trial period

When you order on SubscriberZ, they will begin processing your orders within 24 hours. However, they deliver the likes gradually to avoid the risk of Instagram flagging your account. The site accepts a wide range of payment options, including cryptocurrencies. To get started with their services, you can visit



Buzzoid allows users to buy from 50 to 10,000 likes. Users of their services can also split the likes between different posts. Once you order a package from them, you are also given free video views. The site is new and may not have the kind of experience that the above options do.


  • Easy to use
  • Ability to split likes between posts
  • Easy-to-use site


  • Likes from bots

While Buzzoid is a popular service for selling Instagram likes, there are many complaints by users that they received likes made by bots.



Twicsy starts processing Instagram likes fast but with the option of having them delivered gradually. We recommend that you have them delivered gradually to protect your account from flagging. The site also allows users to buy premium likes from people’s accounts that post regularly. While this may not be bad, it raises questions about the quality of the other standard likes.


  • Fast delivery of likes
  • Free video views
  • Premium likes package


  • The quality of standard packages is questionable.



Instagram users who are on a budget may consider Qubeviews. The site has affordable packages allowing you to buy anything from 100 to 50,000 Instagram likes. When you order from the site, they deliver the likes fast. However, from our research, the quality of their engagement was lower than that of other sites in our list, such as SocialWick.


  • Affordable packages
  • Fast delivery


  • Likes don’t bring any engagement

Despite their affordable packages, we aren’t convinced about the quality of likes from Qubeviews. You may need to research more.



This service is unsuitable for small Instagram accounts as their packages start from 1000 likes. The site processes all orders within 24 hours but doesn’t allow you to split the likes between posts. While their packages are affordable, they are still more expensive than SocialGreg, which has a free trial period.


  • Delivery within 24 hours
  • Affordable packages


  • This may cause your account to be flagged

With Famups delivering all likes within 24 hours, this may result in the Instagram algorithm flagging your account due to the sudden spike.



iDig allows you to buy between 50 and 10,000 likes at a cost that is within the market average. You can split the likes between your posts as you want. The site rates are within the market average, though not as affordable as SubscriberZ or Mixx.


  • Ability to Split likes between videos
  • Good customer service


  • Some users claim they sell bot followers

iDig also offers free video views for their customers. However, some users claim that they sell bot followers. So, bear this in mind when buying.



Another service that has been selling Instagram likes for some time now is SocialRush. The site allows users to buy as many as 40K likes. It has different packages to suit different user’s needs. When you order, they will begin processing your order within 24 hours.


  • Sell a high number of likes
  • Free video views


  • This may cause your account to be banned

While SocialRushn looks like a good site, we didnt like that they deliver all likes within 24 hours. When Instagram sees your post getting 40,000 likes in a day, they will flag or even ban it.

Final Thoughts

If you have a brand that you are trying to promote, Instagram is the best platform to help you do that. With 1.2 monthly users, you will have a large audience from all age groups. However, you will not see any impact if you are not getting likes. This is why you need to buy Instagram likes.

When making a buying decision, you should ensure that you only buy from reputable sites. These are SocialWick, SocialGreg, Subscribers, and Mixx. With one of these sites, you will see instant growth in your Instagram account as they offer high-quality likes from people with active accounts.

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