
The Best 5 Stardock Fences Alternatives to Keep Your Desktop Organized

When trying to find a desktop file, nobody likes a messy desktop and a disorganized file system. Stardock Fences is a great app for clearing desktop clutter if you don’t have the time to manually organize the desktop.

Stardock Fences arranges the disorganized icons on your desktop. Your icons are organized into containers by Fences. All of the uncluttered icons can be hidden by double-clicking on them, and they can be brought back into view by double-clicking again.

To see the difference between your desktops before and after cleaning, you may also capture screenshots of your desktop. It builds desktop portals that connect several folders.

Fences are available for free for 30 days and then you have to pay $9.99. We provide you with a list of alternatives below since it is a paid app thus you have many options.

The Best 5 Stardock Fences Alternatives

iTop Easy Desktop

iTop Easy Desktop is a desktop organizer that is free and simple to use. You may simplify your desktop to increase productivity by taking flexible control of your Windows desktop. The main features of it are listed below.

Get Desktop Files In Order

By putting them into desk boxes of various categories, iTop Easy Desktop assists you in organizing programs, documents, images, and other items. Multiple boxes are automatically created to organize your desktop icons for convenience.

iTop Chatbot

You can use this powerful chatbot whenever you need as iTop Easy Desktop comes with the ChatAI feature in its latest version which is integrated with the ChatGPT database. You don’t need to open the browser or create any accounts. Instead, you can simply type phrases into the chatbot on your desktop. Whether it’s a challenging work-related problem or an easy problem you encounter, ChatAI can help you in quickly and resolving your questions.

Make a Folder Portal

Using the folder portal, iTop Easy Desktop gives you easy access to every folder on your computer. Similar to a little File Explorer. It can include the full directory of a folder on the desktop. As compared to custom boxes, you can open a specific folder on your desktop and access its files directly. It provides a window directly attached to the hard disk and prevents the desktop from becoming clogged with data.

Fast File Hiding and Searching

Click twice on white space and all icons will hide. Double-click on any available blank space on the desktop once more to reveal them all. Additionally, for your convenience, you can use the hotkeys to find files on your computer, and in my test, it’s quicker than Windows Search.

Make Your Desktop Interesting

Using iTop Easy Desktop’s personalization settings, you may alter the desk boxes’ backgrounds and transparency. Additionally, you can personalize the text font and tags according to your needs.

Nimi Places

Nimi Places is a free desktop organizer where you can put files and folders into resizable containers. It’s a great solution created especially for those who wish to create several taskbars on their desktop to make it more appealing and user-friendly.

You can quickly find your files, programs, and documents by using the parts in the containers, which are shown as thumbnail icons. Additionally, Nimi Places supports media files and lets you instantly preview your audio and video without any restrictions. Your desktop is kept clean and accessible by the program.

Additionally, there are some robust customization options that let you alter icons, add motions, and add a ton of beautiful stuff to make the area more interesting. Nimi Places also comes with file management, desktop customization, quick searching, etc. useful features.


Bins is a feature-rich Windows app that organizes the app icons in the taskbar. It is a strong solution that enables you to add unlimited programs and customization choices to your taskbar. With this, you may manage the order of your Windows taskbar.

It is much simpler and easier to use than all the other similar solutions, allowing you to quickly access all of its features and tools.

The best feature of the app is its drag-and-drop interface and your desktop can be customized using a variety of options, including widgets, wallpapers,  etc.


ViPad is a feature-rich app for organizing and launching Windows desktop programs that were created specifically for Windows desktops. You can quickly manage all of your desktop items, files, and folders with the help of this tool, and access the programs, files, and folders with just one click.

Drag and drop programs and documents into various places and you can organize them any way you want by categorizing associated programs into custom tabs. It features a limitless customization process, as well as themes, wallpapers, and icons that make it more fun and interesting than other apps.

You can use its quick search tool to find any items or folders and it just starts by typing the name of the app you’re using. The feature that makes this solution the most appealing is its capacity to function as a full desktop replacement, allowing you to view every aspect of your customized desktop and use it to launch apps instead.


DesktopShelves is another effective app to help with desktop organization for MacOS. Your documents and data are always held securely and are accessible thanks to its advanced file organization design.

You can simply access the settings windows, enable the launch upon login option, and check for updates while also opening the folder. The greatest feature is that it provides limitless customization along with some new tools and features that enhance the beauty of your screen. Unlike the majority of comparable solutions, DesktopShelves has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it simple to swiftly move your folders and files about the screen.

Additionally, you have the choice of replacing the shelf design and making it superior to others. According to the file size, names, and the data on which they were made or edited, all of the files appear on a shelf where they can be saved.


What is the price of Stardock Fences?

The basic edition of Stardock Fences may be purchased once for $9.99, and the advanced edition can be purchased once for $29.99.

For $9.99 annually, Stardock also provides a subscription service that includes all upgrades and new software releases.

What are Stardock’s alternatives?

Stardock has a number of alternatives, such as iTop Easy Desktop, Nimi Places, ViPad, etc. Researching each of these options is necessary before selecting one as they each have unique features.

What might be better than Fences?

iTop Easy Desktop is a great option, which gives you access to many incredible features like the chatbot, quick search, hidden box, etc., and it’s free to use with no account signup required.

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