
Eight Advantages to Using Telehealth for Urgent Care

Have you been interested in trying telehealth for your urgent care needs? Are you tired of spending hours at an urgent care clinic or trying to get a sick appointment with your regular medical provider? Telehealth has been available for several years, but during the Covid-19 pandemic, it became much more popular. In fact, many people saw it as the safest, most convenient, and cheapest way to access urgent care without needing to risk exposure to the virus.

Today, telehealth is still a popular way to get treatment for urgent care needs that don’t require an in-person visit, such as mild infections and illnesses. Many urgent care needs, such as injuries and illnesses requiring testing will still have to be seen in person, but for mild concerns, telehealth is a viable option. Common illnesses treatable by telehealth include viruses and bacterial infections such as sinus infections, strep throat, and bladder infections. Some chronic conditions can also be treated remotely, such as non-narcotic medication refills and check-ups for things like asthma and allergies. Here are a few advantages of using telehealth for urgent care:


Telehealth allows patients to receive urgent care from the comfort of their own homes, without having to travel to a physical clinic or hospital. This can be especially beneficial for patients who live in rural or remote areas, or who have mobility or transportation issues. It is also helpful for people who have small children or who are busy. Since it can take several hours to visit an urgent care clinic, it is very convenient for busy people to be able to access healthcare through an online visit, which they can do while working or caring for family members.


Telehealth can be less expensive than traditional urgent care. In many cases, a telehealth visit might be less than half the cost of a similar visit to an urgent care clinic. Some people even find that a telehealth visit is less expensive than their co-pay, although it won’t count toward their deductible if they don’t use insurance. For people who need cheap, fast, high-quality care, telehealth can be a good option. And don’t worry that all this cost reduction will come at a risk: Medical professionals providing telehealth are still required to comply with the same licensing procedures as all physicians. You can do an NPI lookup of your healthcare provider if you want to verify their standing.

Quicker Access to Care

Telehealth allows patients to receive urgent care more quickly than they might be able to if they had to travel to a physical clinic. This can be especially important for patients with time-sensitive medical issues or for those who don’t have time in their schedule to spend hours in an urgent care clinic. People who don’t have a regular medical provider can find it difficult to quickly access health care when they are sick, and for these people, telehealth is a good option until they can establish a regular provider. Telehealth is also a good option for children and adult medical visits when the patient needs to avoid any more time away from school or work.

Reduced Risk of Exposure to Illness

One of the reasons that telehealth became popular during the pandemic was that people desired to avoid any contact with other sick patients. Telehealth can help reduce the spread of infectious diseases by allowing patients to receive care without coming into contact with other sick patients in a waiting room. Of course, some patients will need to have tests, and this will require an in-person visit. However, telehealth can allow other patients, such as those with strep throat or other mild infections to avoid being exposed to more dangerous infections through waiting rooms and medical offices.

Insurance Coverage

Many insurance companies are now starting to recognize the benefits of telehealth, both for their patients and for themselves. Because telehealth saves patients time and money, they are more likely to get early care when they need it. This can save insurance companies money because early care often costs much less. It will also save them money because the treatment itself is often much cheaper than an office visit. In some states, even state-sponsored Medicaid programs are covering telehealth visits.

Continuity of Care

Telehealth can sometimes allow patients to receive follow-up care and monitoring after an urgent care visit without having to travel back to a physical clinic. Many in-person medical clinics have a telehealth option that allows patients and doctors to continue to care with the same provider without returning to the office. It can also allow patients to refill medications that don’t require in-person visits, such as allergy medicine, without the time and expense of an office appointment.

Lack of Insurance

For patients without insurance or with catastrophic insurance, telehealth can be a great option. Because many telehealth options are so much cheaper than in-person visits, people without insurance or with inadequate insurance can often access medical care that they would otherwise not be able to afford. It can also help improve these patients’ quality of life and outcomes, as many times people without insurance will avoid care completely or wait until their health has deteriorated. This can often result in care that is much more expensive, such as emergency room visits.

Improved Patient Outcomes

Studies have shown that telehealth can lead to improved patient outcomes for urgent care conditions. For example, telehealth visits for conditions such as respiratory infections, skin rashes, and urinary tract infections have been shown to be just as effective as in-person visits, while also being more convenient for patients. Additionally, telehealth can allow for more frequent monitoring and follow-up care, which can improve overall health outcomes.


Overall, telehealth offers a convenient, cost-effective, and efficient way for patients to receive urgent care services, especially people who cannot easily access in-person clinics or who need time and money-saving options. If you are interested in trying telehealth options, consider doing research into your own insurance coverage and into the various telehealth options in order to find the best one for your family.

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