
The Money Is In The List: 3 Email Marketing Tips

Since the early days of the internet, the best way to market a service or product was through an email list. As the internet got more sophisticated, many gurus predicted the end of email marketing. After all, people get more unwanted emails than ever before.

However, when somebody signs up to be on your list, it means that they actually want to get marketed to for whatever it is that you are providing.

And, with Google constantly changing their algorithm, traffic is not always a guarantee. You have no control over search engine traffic or even traffic from social media. Facebook is notoriously difficult to generate traffic from these days when in the past it was one of the easiest.

You control your email list no matter what happens so it is vital to your success to have a way to collect emails. In this article, I will go over several tips and tricks when it comes to your email marketing campaign.

1 – Capture as many emails as possible

The focus of your website should be to lead people into your funnel and leave their email. Growing your list is a priority from day one and should continue throughout the life of your business.

It all starts with the perfect landing page . How that page looks and operates is highly dependent on the type of business you have so there isn’t a one size fits all approach. But, the one constant is to have it be as simple as possible to make it easy for the reader to know exactly what to do next.

The sales copy should be short and to the point and have a clear call to action button.

Also, a lead magnet is essential. Asking users to sign up for a newsletter can only go so far. Give them a freebie to download so they are more likely to sign up for the list.

You can also buy email lists online to increase the number of contacts in your email list in a much faster way.

2 – Give value

Marketing is not just trying to get people to spend money. It should be a two-way street. First, provide a solution to a problem and give as much away for free as you can.

For instance, let’s suppose your service is pest control. People are always going to deal with bugs and rodents even with their best efforts so your email series should be a number of tips and tricks to deal with specific pests and problems.

By giving people useful information that they can act on, it builds up trust. They won’t feel like you are only after their money. Over time, you can start asking them to take action by making a phone call to talk about their problem or setting up a visit for an estimate on their pest problem.

3 – Engage with your readers

Don’t just preach to the choir. Make sure that you are engaging your audience and allowing the interaction to go both ways. Give them the option to communicate with you through emails or by joining a private Facebook group where they can feel that their concerns are being heard.

Then they will end up fans and not just a customer which will keep them coming back for more.