
How to Customize Whatsapp Notifications Styles

Whatsapp is undoubtedly the most popular application as it is used by billions of users worldwide, and many more are added daily. Whatsapp provides users with a platform to communicate through the internet. Now you can make audio-video calls and share media files like your moments, pictures, etc. Keep yourself updated on what is going on in other life through WhatsApp and enjoy various privacy features.

Whatsapp has a very convenient user interface. You can easily apprehend how to operate it once it downloads. It allows you to manage your notifications and other settings like media visibility, media download, who can see your status, and many more. In this article, we will see how to customize or manage your notification on WhatsApp. So let’s begin.

Customize notification

This option in settings allows you to manage your preferences. In customized notifications, there are various other options. Notifications can be changed for call messages and the group even. You can make a specific notification for a specific chat. Here we must enlist what opens you would find in the notification setting.

  1. You can choose to turn off and on the notification tones for incoming and outgoing messages
  2. Chang call and message ringtone
  3. Set vibration duration
  4. Option to allow notification to pop up on your screen 5. Notification light color, but this feature is specific for some phones
  5. Disable the peeking notification.

How to Access the Notification Setting

  1. Open WhatsApp and click on the three-dot option in the top right corner of the screen
  2. Go to settings and look for notification 1. Tap on this, and you will find various related options

How to restore the default setting 

To reset the notification setting to the default

  1. Click on the setting and then tap on the notification option
  2. Tap on more option
  3. Click on the reset notification setting. That will restore the original settings for notification

Notification customization for specific groups or chat

  1. customize notifications for specific groups or chats.
  2. Open the chat and tap the group or chat name
  3. Then click on customize notification and change what you like for that specific group or chat,

Mute and Unmute Notification

You can also mute the specific chat or group as long as you want to keep yourself away from distractions for this purpose.

Long press on the chat or group

  1. The option will appear on the top of the screen
  2. Tap on the mute option. A taskbar open that asks how long you want to mute the chat
  3. Select the time, and then that specific group or chat notification will be blocked. 4. Press the chat or group to unmute it and then unselect the mute option.

Customization of Notifications with GBWhatsApp

GB WhatsApp is an amazing add-on WhatsApp variant. This allows you to customize your chats and call notifications according to each person so next time your phone rings you know who it is. It also has anti revoke feature that means if a certain person keeps on calling you their call would automatically be dropped without blocking them. GB WhatsApp makes it very convenient how you interact with other people by securing your privacy.


Do you receive a pop-up notification when you mute a chat?

No, a mute chat notification will not appear on the screen.

How to reset to the default setting?

Go to notification in settings and click on reset, which will restore the original setting.

Can you customize the notification for a specific chat?

Yes, you can customize notifications for different chats. For this purpose, open chat and tap on the name. Scroll down to find the custom notification. 

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